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Why do many mines prefer to use trolley electric locomotives?


Why do many mines prefer to use trolley electric locomotives?

Mining electric locomotives are divided into two types: trolley mining electric locomotives and battery mining electric locomotives. However, the former is more favored by mines than the latter. Why? Or do trolley mining electric locomotives have any outstanding advantages over battery mining electric locomotives?

The main difference between the two is the way of energy supply. Although overhead lines and other auxiliary facilities need to be constructed in the early stage, the trolley mining electric locomotive can work for a long time once it is put into use. In theory, as long as the power grid is uninterrupted, there is no limit on the cruising range. The battery electric locomotive, even if it is a lithium battery electric locomotive, needs a certain amount of time to charge the battery after working for several hours. And in order to avoid half-circuit power failure of the electric locomotive, in fact, when the remaining power of the battery is lower than a certain value, the battery should be charged. At the same time, the structure of the trolley mining electric locomotive is also very simple, and the maintenance and repair are convenient. Therefore, although the initial investment is large, if it is used for a long time, the cost of trolley mining electric locomotives is much lower than that of battery mining electric locomotives.

In general, trolley mining electric locomotives are favored by most mines because they are relatively cost-effective in the long run. Of course, the battery electric locomotive can occupy a place in the mine, and it also has its unique advantages.