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How to maintain the rock loader?


How to maintain the rock loader?

Rock loader or rock loading machine is a heavy-duty machine used in mining and tunneling operations. Here are some tips for maintaining rock loaders:

Regular greasing is crucial for ensuring the smooth operation of the rock loader since it lubricates the brushing area. Metal-to-metal contact might be avoided by using molybdenum-based lubricant. 

Check your rock loader’s fluids regularly and replace them according to the recommended change intervals. Make sure your fluid filters and air filters are checked often and replaced as needed, and check for leaks.

Inspect your rock loader’s attachments, looking for cracks or loose teeth on the bucket and wear on your hoses and tilt.

Keep your rock loader clean. Dirt and debris can cause damage to the machine over time.

I hope these tips help you maintain your rock loader. Let me know if you have any other questions.