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What should we do if the rock loader emits smoke when it is in use?


What should we do if the rock loader emits smoke when it is in use?

During the working process of the rock loader, sometimes it will suddenly fail to operate and there will be smoke. What's going on here? Today we will introduce to you in detail why the rock loader emits smoke?

1. The ambient temperature is too high, exceeding 40℃. If the air inlet of the rock loader is too hot, it is difficult to dissipate heat, and cooling measures should be taken.

2. The cage rotor is broken or the coil joint of the winding rotor is loose, causing the current of the maintenance network of the rock loader to be too large and heating. The copper bar rotor can be repaired or replaced by welding, and the cast aluminum rotor should be replaced.

3. The winding wiring is wrong. Misconnecting a star into a triangle, or mistakenly connecting a triangle into a star. Running under the rated load will make the rock loader overheat and should be checked and corrected.

4. The fan in the rock loader is damaged, installed backwards or not installed. It should be installed correctly and damaged fans should be repaired or replaced.

5. The bearing is damaged or worn too much, which makes the stator and the rotor rub against each other. It can be checked whether the bearing of the rock loader is loose, and whether the stator and rotor are poorly assembled.

Knowing the above knowledge, if you encounter the problem of smoke during use, you can solve it in time. Please be careful when using it.